Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thought for the day...

I love the's the dancing that scares me!

I think I'll practice in the shower first (in the dark).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Learning to live a full life...

For years I dreamed of selling art and living a creative life, but instead found myself day after day waiting for my "life" to begin. You know, the life full of creativity, laughter, friendship, and an undeniable passion for teaching and selling my art. Unfortunately, I have always compared myself to others and mindlessly find ways to sabotage myself from the possibility of success, but today I am moving forward with heart in hand to live the rest of my life fulfilling those hopes and dreams.
As a large part of my life came to an abrupt end last year, I realized I was the only one who could put the "sparkle" back in my life and I desperately longed for it. During the eleven months I spent mourning the life I once had, I realized I was no longer "half way to dead", but rather beginning a fresh chapter, one full of possibilities. A life that can only be lived through a heart that is full. Here we go... Wish me luck!
Sheryl Lynn